Report 60, Violent Crime and Personal Protection

It is like a breath of fresh air to have Joe Biden gone and President Trump in the White House. Unfortunately, we here in Colorado still have the gun-grabbers in the legislature and the chief gun-grabber, Jered Polis in the governor’s mansion.

The Biden administration bragged that violent crime rates had plummeted to a 50 year low during his term. “During the Biden administration the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that total violent crime (rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) has soared by 55%, with a 42% increase in rapes, a 63% increase in robbery, and a 55% increase in aggravated assaults. These are historically large percentage increases in violent crime.”

Now, the current Colorado legislature wants to remove our ability to defend ourselves by ramming through another attempt at an “assault weapon ban.” As I understand the bill (SB 25-003) it will become unlawful to purchase, sell, or transfer any semi-automatic gun that accepts a detachable magazine. Currently owned guns in this category will be grandfathered but new transfers will not be legally possible.

This push by the liberal gun-grabbers is understandable. These are the same people that want to de-fund the police, remove qualified immunity from the police, and tell you that the illegal criminal Venezuelan imports have only taken over a few apartment complexes.

It should not be up to some legislator to decide how best to protect your home and family. The Supreme Court recognizes that modern semi-automatic guns are in common use for all lawful purposes. It is incumbent upon all patriots to let the legislators know what their responsibilities are. First and foremost is the protection of the citizens of the United States. Restricting our ability to protect ourselves violates that responsibility. It is time for all patriotic Coloradans to contact their state senator to strongly urge them to vote against the egregious “assault weapon ban” bill.

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