On 4 May 2015, two Islamist wannabes decided to avenge all Muslims by shooting up the Mohammed Cartoon event in Garland, Texas. I have written numerous times about the Muslim mindset and the problems I have with it. However, today I want to take a look at the officer who stopped the attack and what […]
Posts in the Personal Security category:
Report 16: National Violent Crime Statics and Trends
The FBI publishes the annual Uniform Crime Report (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/ucr) to keep us informed about what is going on with crime in the US. It would be impossible to summarize this report in just a couple of pages. However, I have been able to pull out some significant facts from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. You […]
Report 15 Continued Training
You have completed your Basic Pistol Course and provided a copy of your Certificate of Training (along with a couple of cashier’s checks and application) to the good folks at the sheriff’s office. About a month or so later you received your bright shiny new Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP). You are ready to get on […]
National Geographic Video
Here’s a cool video from the National Geographic via Facebook Balloons Stop a 44-Magnum Bullet by National Geographic Channel.
Report 13: Why Practice?
In this report, I want to look closer at the reason I so strongly advocate practice. Let’s start by looking at a scenario with which, I pray, none of us will ever personally experience. You are relaxing at home in the evening, and a couple of bad guys break into the house. You grab your […]
Report 10: Attitude of Awareness
In my last report, Kids and Guns, I discussed attitude. In this report I want to expand on that idea. While knowing how to apply the five fundamentals of shooting is important, possibly even more important is the application of an Attitude of Awareness. I have been asked how I can justify not issuing a […]
Report 7: Your Everyday Carry, Part 4 – Your Mode of Dress
In this report I will discuss your mode of dress for your everyday carry. Your mode of dress should reflect your normal day-to-day life. This is very doable with a little thought. A good resource is to talk to people who carry on a daily basis. They can give you tips on what works for […]
Report 6: Your Everyday Carry, Part 3 – The Holster
In this report I will discusses holster options for your everyday carry. As with everything connected with your everyday carry, holster preference and comfort is a personal choice. Just as with gun choice, there are “experts” who will tell you that you must use this type or brand of holster. While it may be worth […]
Report 5: Your Everyday Carry, Part 2 – The Ammunition
In the last report I discussed the gun, the size, type, and caliber. In this report I will discusses the ammunition recommended for personal protection as well as practice. Everyday carry: For personal protection it is best to carry a good quality personal protection cartridge. These normally have jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets. The purpose […]
Report 4: Your Everyday Carry, Part 1 – The Gun
So, you have completed your Basic Pistol class and have applied for a Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP). You are now considering what firearm you are going to carry. This report discusses the process to choose a gun for personal protection that will be carried on the person, and we’ll consider concealability, weapon caliber, and weapon […]